Story Telling
A Sioux Tribal Story
The Creator gathered all of Creation and said, "I want to hide something
from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they
create their own reality."
The eagle said, "Give it to me, I will take it to the moon."
The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it."
The salmon said, "I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean."
"No. They will go there too."
The buffalo said, "I will bury it on the Great Plains."
The Creator said, "They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even
Grandmother Mole, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has
no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, "Put it inside of
And the Creator said, "It is done."
Grandad Joe by Kerrie
My Grandad was a very kind and Gentle Soul, he was woven in Goodness. My Grandad didn’t miss a trick he was very sharp and he’d witnessed so much in his lifetime, so many changes in the World with so many adjustments. He passed into spirit when he was in the Winter of his Life. We are so blessed that he lived until he was 101.
He used to mind me, my brother Jack and sister Cheryl when we were young, we used to get 50p per week pocket money, I think we were quite a handful and my Grandad was quite a worrier at times, He constantly told us to “wash your hands” and that the “bubbles in lemonade would kill you” he would also say “if you have to rub your eyes use your elbows”. He would also tell us that reading books and knowledge is one of the most important thing in Life. He was a lover of knowledge and never stopped learning himself.
My Grandad passed away on the Winter Solstice which is a very Special day. This is celebrated in many cultures as it is the shortest day and the longest night of the year and where many people Celebrate Endings and Beginnings. It is known as a Celebration of Rebirth and the Moon is at its fullest and the Sun starts to grow Stronger in the Sky.
The Celts and the Druids would light a Yule Log on the Solstice and also use Mistletoe in that the White Berries represent Light in the Darkness. A Symbol of Love. It is known as the end of a cycle and the start of anew and this very much reflects my Grandads passing into Spirit.
Our Bodies and Lives follow the Natural Laws of Nature and reflect very much the Cycles of the Sun, Moon, Stars the Tide and the Planets. We are part of Nature.
My Grandad was very reflective in his last few days. He would often speak of his wife May, his two sons Peter and Derek who had all passed into spirit before him. He was also speaking a lot about childhood friends. He would often speak of Peter especially (his son in spirit) and that Peter would come and visit him, sit on the edge of his bed and would kiss him on his cheek. In the last days of his physical life he spoke of a Little Bluebird, who he said who come and perch on the end of his bed and also sit on his chest.
In poems and songs the Bluebird represents “Freedom and Hope” and I believe that my Grandad was being prepared and being Visited by Spirit so he would have a Smooth and Peaceful Passing, so that he didn’t have any fear and knew he would be safe in crossing over.
White Cliffs of Dover
There'll be bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover,
Tomorrow, just you wait and see.
There'll be love and laughter, and peace ever after,
Tomorrow when the world is free.
The shepherd will tend his sheep, The valley will bloom again,
And Jimmy will go to sleep, In his own little room again.
There'll be bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover,
Tomorrow, just you wait and see.
There'll be bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover,
Tomorrow, just you wait and see.
There'll be love and laughter, and peace ever after,
Tomorrow when the world is free.
The shepherd will tend his sheep, The valley will bloom again,
And Jimmy will go to sleep, In his own little room again.
There'll be bluebirds over, the white cliffs of Dover,
Tomorrow, just you wait and see.
The shepherd will tend his sheep, The valley will bloom again,
And Jimmy will go to sleep, In his own little room again.
There'll be love and laughter, And peace ever after,
Tomorrow when the world is free.