Sacred Space
Creating Sacred Space is about preparing a space for healing and spiritual practices. Different cultures have different ways of doing this and many native traditions use calling in the directions such as East, South, West and North. They may also add in the middle world, lower world and Upper world so this becomes calling in seven directions. The Earth. Sky, ancestors and helping compassionate spirits are often acknowledged in this ritual.
Creating Sacred space can be personalised to your own innate wisdsom over time and in my own practice I use my flute to create Sacred Space and as I am playing to the 7 directions I will also acknowledge the spirit in all things, the elements as in Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether. I will also acknowledge the hidden folk as in the Celtic tradition such as the faery realm, guardians of the earth, plant and flower spirits. There is an acknowledgement. Gratitude and reverence in this. Over time in your own practice you may be gifted a song or a chant to use to create sacred space this may be your own personal song or chant that will create a vibration in and around you to set a safe and healing space. Some cultures use toning for each direction and this tradition may have been in this culture for many years. I feel having a physical space somewhere in your home or garden is important. This may become an altar where you put crystals, flowers and pictures of your family and where you come to meditate or ask for guidance. You may also have a special place you go to rest your soul such as a special tree or a bench you sit on in a park.
Another way to create sacred space could be putting on some music. Burning some sage or incense and taking in some deep breaths. Your energy and the energy around you can change dramatically with setting an intention to create peace within and without. Life can be very fast and these practices can help you come back into alignment and feel the sacredness in all things.
Another way to create sacred space is to perform a dance such as the Cherokee Sun Dance which has been gifted to share. This is a beautiful dance which looks very much like tai chi when you do it although it is a gift from the Cherokee Culture. This was gifted to be shared. I often do this with groups to create sacred space within, whilst honouring all the directions and Mother Earth and Father Sky.
Cherokee Sundance
(Start with the East and the left leg bent and leaning)
I fly like an eagle
Circle the world with my love
I give love to the Earth
I receive love from the Earth
I give love to Great Spirit
I receive love from Great Spirit
(Lean right this time)
I fly like an eagle
Circle the world with my love
I give love to the Earth
I receive love from the Earth
I give love to Great Spirit
I receive love from Great Spirit
(Start with left leg forward/ hands forward)
I give love to my brothers and sisters
(Bring hands back towards heart)
I receive love from my brothers and sisters
(Turn to right and repeat)
I give love to my brothers and sisters
I receive love from my brothers and sisters
Repeat this process so you start off in the east, south, west then the north, each direction is visited 4 times, so at the end you have done the Sundance 16 times.